Global Fund's Project on Accelerating Progress in Reducing Tuberculosis and HIV in Ukraine (legal consulting of CO "100 % of Life – People Living with HIV")
International Treatment Preparedness Coalition's (ITPC) Project on "Implementation of TRIPS-flex provision to increase access to treatment for HIV and HIV/HCV co-infection in middle-income countries" with the financial support of Aids Fonds "Stop Aids Now" (legal consulting of CO "100 % of Life - People Living with HIV ")
UNITAID Project "Access to treatment for people living with HIV in middle-income countries" (legal consulting of CO "100 % of Life - People Living with HIV ")
UNDP Project on Procurement Support Services to the Ministry of Health of Ukraine (legal consulting of CO "100 % of Life - People Living with HIV ")
WHO's Project "Assessment of Access to out-patient essential medicines in Ukraine" (legal consulting and conducting interviews with the main participants of the State Program" Essential Medicines" in seven regions/oblasts of Ukraine)
WHO's Project "Support the dissemination of policy brief of the clinical guidelines development process in Ukraine" (legal consulting)
WHO's Projects "Provide support in collecting data and analysing the local context to draft a proposal on clinical guidelines adoption mechanism in Ukraine" (legal consulting, collecting data)
Project of Laboratory of Public Interest Journalism "Connecting Continents"(facilitating an exchange of knowledge and experiences between Latin American journalists and their Ukrainian counterparts)
International Partnership for Human Rights Project "Investigation war crimes that occurred in the territories that were under occupation"
nternational Medical Corps Project "Ensuring the Safety of women affected by gender-based violence, including those living with HIV, and their children" leading by CO "Positive Women" (legal consulting)
International Visegrad Fund's Project “The Procedure of the Protection of Human Rights in the sphere of Biotechnologies” basing on Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin, Poland
International Visegrad Fund's Project “Human Rights in the Sphere of Biotechnologies” basing on Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin, Poland
International Visegrad Fund, Project “Bioethics and Human Rights” basing on the Institute for Legal Studies of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Project “Bioterrorism and Biosecurity. Basis to structure new penal instruments to face the biological threats” founded by Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) Bilbao, Spain